Visit to Methodist Homes for the Aged – MHA
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Click here to download Eddy House Brochure and Price List Eddy-House-Information-Flyer
A great option if you want to avoid another starchy side dish for the meal.
Did you know that fresh ginger is considered a really healthy spice to use?
The biggest misunderstanding most people seem to labour with is the assumption that: I am fine now, so why should I look at changing?
<h1 class="theconversation-article-title">Why we need to talk about older people and climate change in Africa</h1> <div class="theconversation-article-body"> <span><a href="">Gary Haq</a>, <em><a href="">University of York</a></em></span> <p>Africa is often viewed as a relatively <a href="">young continent</a>, with less than 7% of the population over 60. But this is set to change. Declining fertility rates and increasing life expectancy mean that by 2050, the number of people over 60 in Africa is projected to triple […]
The art of balancing drawdowns, fees, and inflation. Read article at Moneyweb