Birds & Earth Mammals

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Our resident Birding and Mammal Journalist Bruce Munro highlights a Bird and a Mammal each week

Birds & Earth Mammals

Cape Cormorant

 Cape Cormorant .  An endangered species that is highly gregarious and nomadic along the West Coast  and adjacent wetlands but rare on the East Coast  of South Africa. Some colonies are present all year round off SW Cape. Numbers have decreased rapidly over the last 20 years with less than 100, 000 pairs left.    These Cormorants fly in long undulating lines low over the sea with flight speeds of […]

todayJanuary 1, 2025 13

Birds & Earth Mammals

Sable Antelope by Bruce Munro

  Sable Antelope  National animal of Zimbabwe .  Swartwitpens the  Afrikaans name describes it vividly - Black White Belly being the male as females are browner . Adults have a  shoulder height  1.4m and a max mass of 250kg and both sexes have  horns . Shelter and water are important requirements as they are seldom found more than 3km from water. They prefer open woodland near vleis or grassveld with medium […]

todayNovember 13, 2024 25 2

Birds & Earth Mammals

Diederik Cuckoo by Bruce Munro

A very common widespread intra- Africa migrant visiting South Africa from October to April . They like woodland , savanna, riverine bush, gardens , parks, exotic plantations and semi arid scrub .    Seen solitary or in pairs they are neither shy nor secretive like most other cuckoos. Males swoop in a wide arc over their territory with their heads and tails raised . Adjacent territorial males may chase each […]

todayNovember 7, 2024 13
