Festive RobinÂ
Our very own Natal Robin now called the Red Capped Robin Chat . A common resident found from East London northwards along the east coast and lowlands KZN and north eastern South Africa. Â
They are usually solitary or in pairs, being elusive they keep mostly to the undergrowth of evergreen forests and thickets in parks and gardens where they forage on the ground especially at dusk for insects , spiders and centipedes . They will also feed on fruit and around human settlements will glean scraps and bones from the braai .Â
They sing from a low perch sometimes with slightly raised quivering wings . They have a soft thrilled ” seee saw ” call but can imitate over 30 species of other birds with rich melodious whistled songs and will even test humans urging them to call back their songs.Â
Breeding takes place from September till December . The nest is a cup of dead leaves , twigs and moss lined with fine roots and plant fibres. Usually 3 heavily mottled chocolate brown or olive green eggs are laid. Incubation period takes 13 – 15 days and the nestling period 12 to 17 days during which the chicks are fed by both parents .Â
The isiZulu name is obomvu umBheckle and in Afrikaans Nataljanfrederik.Â