Eland .
The Bushman / San say when you see an Eland then God is near and label  them his favorite animal. They are Southern Africa’s largest antelope. Bulls can reach a mass of around 700 kg with a shoulder height of 1.7m with Cows averaging 450kg and height of 1.5m .Â
A very adaptable animal found from our semi desert shrubs to woodlands and moist mountain grassland of the Drakensberg to the Western Cape Fynbos. They mainly eat leaves and sometimes grass and are independant of water. They also graze at night.Â
Forming small herds but large herds of 300 animals have regularly been seen in the Kalahari . Hierarchy is based on size and age . During the calving season nursing herds and bachelor herds can be distinguished . Serious fighting breaks out in the bachelor herds while the breeding herds are placid. Humans have been gored to death in occasional incidents by Eland . Â
Vocalisation the females ” moo ” , calves bleat and adult bulls can bellow , bark and grumble.Â
A single young is born anytime of the year after a gestation period of 9 months with a lifespan of 12 years.Â