
13 Results / Page 1 of 2


Roan Antelope

 Roan Antelope .  A very large antelope standing on average 1.43 m at the shoulder and having a  mass of up to 272 kg . Both sexes have scimitar - like horns and very long ears.    Their  habitat has very specific requirements that being open savanna with large stretches of tall grass and sufficient water. They are sensitive to any change in habitat such as bush encroachment and over utilisation […]

todayJanuary 1, 2025 13


Festive Robin

Festive Robin  Our very own Natal Robin now called the Red Capped Robin Chat . A common resident  found  from East London northwards along the east coast and lowlands KZN and  north eastern  South Africa.     They are usually solitary or in pairs, being elusive they keep mostly to the undergrowth of evergreen  forests and thickets in parks and gardens where they forage on the ground especially at dusk for […]

todayJanuary 1, 2025 8


White Throated Robin Chat

White - Throated - Robin Chat.   A common resident of thickets , riverside scrub in woodlands and savanna  also riparian vegetation confined to the North East of South Africa.    They are seen solitary or in pairs flirting their wings and tails .  They retire to dense cover where they forage on the ground , moving with quick hops and are most active in the evening . Insects including spiders and […]

todayJanuary 1, 2025 11


White Headed Vulture

White Headed Vulture .  An uncommon resident that is highly endangered and only seen in national parks and adjoining private game reserves in South Africa.    They are seen as single birds or in pairs usually joining other vulture species at large carcasses . Their  food source is carrion and also smaller prey down to the size of hairs which they kill themselves . Flying termites , lizards , guinea fowls […]

todayJanuary 1, 2025 20


Ground Woodpecker

 Ground Woodpecker .  A Near Threatened Species  found in Western Cape Fynbos , Karoo , Drakensberg and grasslands not associated with trees . They are usually in small family parties of up to 6 birds and  have become scarce in many areas .   They perch on rocks where they are well camouflaged, often sidling over to one side and peering over the top at intruders . Their flight is […]

todayJanuary 1, 2025 6



 Eland . The Bushman / San say when you see an  Eland then God is near and label  them his favorite animal. They are Southern Africa's largest antelope. Bulls can reach a mass of around 700 kg with a shoulder height of 1.7m with Cows averaging 450kg and height of 1.5m .    A very adaptable animal found from our semi desert shrubs to woodlands and moist mountain grassland of the […]

todayJanuary 1, 2025 7


Broad Billed Roller

  Broad - Billed Roller. A compact dark cinnamon and purple coloured roller that is fairly  common intra - African summer migrant. They are found in the Limpopo river basin , Eastern lowveld of  South Africa and far north eastern KZN from September till April .   They like fringe forests in major river valleys, denser bushveld and open woodland where they often perch conspicuously and breed in dead trees.    […]

todayJanuary 1, 2025 5

Birds & Earth Mammals

Cape Cormorant

 Cape Cormorant .  An endangered species that is highly gregarious and nomadic along the West Coast  and adjacent wetlands but rare on the East Coast  of South Africa. Some colonies are present all year round off SW Cape. Numbers have decreased rapidly over the last 20 years with less than 100, 000 pairs left.    These Cormorants fly in long undulating lines low over the sea with flight speeds of […]

todayJanuary 1, 2025 13
