fast_forward00:35:30Review - The Housefly Effect by Eva van den Broek and Tim den Haijer
fast_forward00:47:09Review - The Book of ABBA by Jan Gradvall
fast_forward00:54:15Children's Book Review - ‘This is a book about Fairies/Monsters’ by Jaco Jacobs, and ‘Big Shoes to Fill’ by Upile uThixo Bongco
Tracy Going, whose beautiful face used to wake up SA on national TV, had it kicked, brutalized, nearly destroyed, by an abusive partner. She wrote, ‘Brutal Legacy’ (MF Books) to warn others about the cruel savagery inflicted on her and her mother by the men they loved. As 16 days of activism against GBV draws to a close, without achieving much, at least Tracy’s book is out there, testament to ongoing violence against women who birth us all. Compellingly told. ‘The Housefly Effect’ (Bedford Square Publishers/Jonathan Ball) by behavioural expert Eva van den Broek and Tim den Haijer, Founder of B.R.A.I.N Creatives, explore how tiny changes can have a huge impact on our actions. They suggest we think of this impact as houseflies buzzing around in our minds. A riveting read. Think of ABBA and Mamma Mia! explodes in your mind. Now ‘The Book of ABBA’(Faber/ Jonathan Ball) featuring exclusive interviews with the notoriously private band, by Jan Gradvall, tells us about their melancholy undercover. The band began with two relationships and ended in two divorces. Yet the music of one of the world’s most iconic bands still thrives on a planet devoted to heavy metal and hip hop. Fascinating. We’re in full festive swing, which is why two books, published by Pan Macmillan Children’s Books, are compelling buys. ‘This is a book about Fairies/Monsters’ by Jaco Jacobs, and ‘Big Shoes to Fill’ by Upile uThixo Bongco, are gloriously illustrated. As much fun for adults as they are for little kids.
fast_forward00:35:30Review - The Housefly Effect by Eva van den Broek and Tim den Haijer
fast_forward00:47:09Review - The Book of ABBA by Jan Gradvall
fast_forward00:54:15Children's Book Review - ‘This is a book about Fairies/Monsters’ by Jaco Jacobs, and ‘Big Shoes to Fill’ by Upile uThixo Bongco