
60 Results / Page 5 of 6

Interesting Stories

Post Office Fighting Staff Stealing

The Post Office urged customers who wished to mail Christmas parcels and letters to international destinations to consider doing so soon. “The Post Office offers the cheapest rates for sending international mail and parcels,” joint SAPO business practitioner Anoosh Rooplal said. “Customers who use surface mail to send their Christmas gifts abroad should do so soon as this will ensure their parcels reach their destinations before Christmas day”. However, South […]

todayNovember 10, 2024 14

Birds & Earth Mammals

Diederik Cuckoo by Bruce Munro

A very common widespread intra- Africa migrant visiting South Africa from October to April . They like woodland , savanna, riverine bush, gardens , parks, exotic plantations and semi arid scrub .    Seen solitary or in pairs they are neither shy nor secretive like most other cuckoos. Males swoop in a wide arc over their territory with their heads and tails raised . Adjacent territorial males may chase each […]

todayNovember 7, 2024 13

Interesting Stories

Why we need to talk about older people and climate change in Africa

<h1 class="theconversation-article-title">Why we need to talk about older people and climate change in Africa</h1> <div class="theconversation-article-body"> <span><a href="">Gary Haq</a>, <em><a href="">University of York</a></em></span> <p>Africa is often viewed as a relatively <a href="">young continent</a>, with less than 7% of the population over 60. But this is set to change. Declining fertility rates and increasing life expectancy mean that by 2050, the number of people over 60 in Africa is projected to triple […]

todayOctober 4, 2024 29
