
13 Results / Page 2 of 2



Is snacking a good or bad habit? There is no clear-cut YES or NO answer to this question. One has to put it into some context. If you choose something healthy and nutritious, snacking can have a number of benefits. It can prevent you from being so hungry before your next meal, that you over-eat, without even realising it. Snacking on wholesome options is a great habit to prevent your blood sugar level from […]

todaySeptember 26, 2024 15


Eat! Cook! Live! Better!

Eat.Cook.Live.Better! with Heleen Meyer When is the best time to make an INVESTMENT? Today! Your and your family's HEALTH is an investment and so precious. Don't wait any longer - choose NOW to start cooking, eating and living healthier. It's not difficult and Heleen Meyer's recipes will make it easy for you. Heleen has released a series of videos, Eat. Cook. Live. Better!. In it, she explains her food philosophy as simply […]

todaySeptember 26, 2024 20


Roasted Cabbage & Bacon with Honey Mustard

Roasted cabbage & bacon with honey-mustard Do you love or hate cabbage? This often-forgotten veggie is one of those that many of us may remember from our childhood as a boring side on our plates. If cabbage is however cooked in the right way, it’s a fantastic ingredient to use. A fabulous low-carb veggie Cabbage should never be overcooked – that’s a sure way to have an unappetising, grey blob […]

todaySeptember 19, 2024 38
