
Alan Maker


Alan Makers From My Window

From My Window

Alan Maker lives between paradise and hell on the coast of Hermanus in a village called Onrus, or Unrest in English, and why ? Because Onrus has extremes of weather, that make it necessary to tell what one sees from the window. Alan has produced some 900 shows over some 17 years on Radio Today, rest assured its all worth listening to  

A New Day with Alan Maker

A thought for another day

An inspiration for the day, could be a Chinese Proverb, A quote from Prof Einstein, or a quote from Alan himself, and he knows how to find the right thing to say for the day

Alan is our longest serving presenter on Radio Today, 902 shows and counting, at 1 a week that’s about 17 years.
Well loved and respected by all, Allan served as the head of the Presbyterian Church of SA, now retired and living with his wife Margie in the estate of Onrus in Hermanus in the Western Cape.

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