
Eat! Cook! Live! Better!

todaySeptember 26, 2024 5

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Eat.Cook.Live.Better! with Heleen Meyer

When is the best time to make an INVESTMENT? Today!

Your and your family’s HEALTH is an investment and so precious. Don’t wait any longer – choose NOW to start cooking, eating and living healthier. It’s not difficult and Heleen Meyer’s recipes will make it easy for you.

Heleen has released a series of videos, Eat. Cook. Live. Better!. In it, she explains her food philosophy as simply as possible, so that everyone can learn something from it and apply it practically in their own kitchens. She works with everyday ingredients and shows you that healthy meals are not bland or boring, but delicious.

Watch Episode 1 of her Eet.Kook.Leef.Beter! series here:

Heleen’s five-point food philosophy

Healthy meals don’t have to be made with expensive or exotic ingredients. With everyday ingredients, some clever planning with the right cooking methods and natural seasonings, it really is within everyone’s reach. There is no question of a diet, just a nice lifestyle that is sustainable.

  1. Keep MODERATION in mind and eat a variety of foods. Portion sizes are also always very important. Keep it filling, but not extravagant. That way, you can even eat a treat from time to time, because the rest of your meals are healthy.
  1. ‘EAT THE RAINBOW’, is an easy way to remember to include something from each food group in meals, i.e. protein, vegetables and fruit, high-fiber starches and healthy oils. That way, you eat a wonderful variety and get enough vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and healthy fats on your plate. The fresher and more natural you eat, the less ‘unhealthy’ food is on your plate.
  1. BE TUNED TO YOUR BODY. Pay attention to which foods might make you feel uncomfortable? Do you struggle with eczema, or do you get a headache from something you eat? Rather, eat in such a way that you make it as easy as possible for your body to stay healthy, keep your immunity strong and limit the need for medication as far as possible.
  1. Avoid SUGAR, SALT, preservatives and highly processed or REFINED PRODUCTS. Too many of these ingredients can result in a long list of lifestyle diseases, such as heart disease, allergies, type 2 diabetes and even something like heartburn or eczema. Many refined, processed and pre-prepared foods are much higher in unhealthy elements than many people realize.
  1. The last guideline is enough HEALTHY FATS. For years, many people thought ingredients like avocado, nuts, seeds and eggs were unhealthy. Fortunately, we now know that the type of fat is more important than the amount of fat you eat. Watch the fourth episode of Eat.Kook.Leef.Better! to learn more about this.

Remember: you are what you eat, and you feel like what you eat…, so keep it healthy, then you will feel so much better.

Read more about Heleen’s guidelines for a healthy lifestyle here and feel free to use some of her recipes to apply them practically.

Videography: @iseecreative

Image courtesy of Cooking from the heart, Pharma Dynamics

Photographer: Adel Ferreira

Written by: Mike Stroud

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